Saturday, November 14, 2009


Sorry people, but I have to brag just for a sec..... and tell you what or should I say who I'm thankful for.

I have a great, hardworking hubby, who's a wonderful father and companion.....

This little curly haired fireball, is a sweetheart, a great big sister and mommy's big helper! She loves helping me in the kitchen!

This little boy I just want to gobble up. He is so cuddly, sweet and very observant. Loves to give hugs and kisses.

What are you thankful for?


Unknown said...

I'm thankful for you guys and letting us visit on Saturday. Each time I'm with you I'm reminded how lucky I am to have such great in-laws.

Steph said...

Cute kiddo pics!!! And what a great hubby you have!
I am thankful for the same things. They make me wake up everyday excited :)